What is the Facebook Pixel and Why Do You Need it?

Kate Norquay
3 min readMay 26, 2021


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The Facebook pixel is a piece of code you install on your website to help you track the actions a user takes on your website. When someone views a page on your website, clicks on your call schedule, or adds something to cart, the pixel will record the action.

Why should you care?

The pixel is useful to:

1. Show your ads to the right people

With the data from the pixel you can target people who visited a particular page of your website, or performed a specific action.

You could set up an ad to target people who added a product to cart, but never completed the sale. You could customise your message to speak to this audience.

You can also create a Lookalike audience using your pixel data. This is one of Facebook’s most powerful targeting features — Facebook can create an audience of people it thinks are most similar to your exisiting audience.

The pixel knows that most of your course sales come from small business owners who love watching friends and doing yoga, who are most likely to engage with video posts, who have 2000 followers on instagram. And it can find you more people like that.

2. Track the effectiveness of your advertising

When you run an ad you need to see data to tell how well it’s performing. Without the pixel you would be able to see data for the actions a user took on Facebook — how many people saw your ad and how many people clicked. But once you send them off to your website or sales funnel you are flying blind.

What happens if you see thousands of people clicking on your ad, but no $$$ in your bank account? Is it your sales page that’s losing them? Is your checkout broken?

Without the pixel it’s hard to tell what’s going wrong. And it can be time consuming and expensive to fix.

3. Make more sales

When you are showing your ads to the right people, and you can measure their effectiveness, you are paving the way to make more sales for your business.

Along with this, you can optimise for particular conversion events. If you want more leads, you can optimise for the ‘Lead’ event, and Facebook will find you the people most likely to sign up for your offer. For example, if you sell leggings, Facebook could optimise for people most likely to make an impulse purchase on fitness products.

Even if you’re just starting out in your business you can benefit from installing the pixel — if you do it now when it comes time to start advertising you will have a lot of data collected to give you the best head start. If you try to gather data in a hurry it will be expensive — the more lead time you can give yourself the better.

Hope this was helpful. Signup for my mailing list if you want more Facebook tips and tricks in your inbox



Kate Norquay

Founder of Norquay Marketing. We help small businesses make money with Facebook advertising. I’m a proud New Zealander, obsessed with the internet and coffee