Top Five Reasons You Should Be Running Facebook Ads

Kate Norquay
3 min readMay 11, 2021


Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

If you own a business, you want to make sales. And if you want to make sales, beyond word of mouth referrals, you need to advertise.

When you’ve got a limited advertising budget you want to make sure you get the best return on your investment. Facebook ads are one of the best ways you can utilise advertising to grow your business.


1. Your customers are on Facebook.

Facebook has 1.84 billion daily users. And The average US adult spends 38 minutes per day on Facebook. Whoever you are trying to reach, they are on Facebook. And they are on it daily. What other platform can offer such a reliable path to connect with your target market?

This is particularly important when you consider The marketing rule of 7 — people need to interact with your brand at least seven times before they make a purchase. It takes multiple interactions for a customer to build trust and affinity. This means you engage with your customer as frequently as possible — and what better way to do that than through the platform they already used daily.

2. You can target whoever you want

Gone are the days of booking an ad slot on the radio and hoping your target audience is tuning in at the right time. Facebook is a data machine with an enormous amount of information about its users. If it happens on the internet, Facebook knows about it.

You can target people based on what they are interested in, the demographic they fit into or their recent life events. You can optimize your ads for people most likely to download your lead magnet, or add something to cart. You can target people Facebook thinks are similar to your current audience, or run different ads depending on a users familiarity with your brand.

Essentially, whoever you want to reach you can do it with Facebook.

3. You can track your impact.

Using the Facebook Pixel (a piece of code you add to your website to record the actions your users take), you can track exactly how effective your advertising is.

You can see which of your targeted audiences make the most purchases, or what offer or copy is resonating with them. Using Facebook’s data you can diagnose exactly what is going wrong with your campaigns and make adjustments on the fly.

As long as you have your tracking set up correctly, and know how to interpret the data you will be able to create successful campaigns

4. It’s budget friendly (relativity)

It is true, you do need to be willing to spend some money if you want your Facebook ads to be effective. Without the budget to run and test ads Facebook will struggle to learn how to best reach your audience.

Still, in the scheme of things Facebook advertising is very cheap. You don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to film, edit and release a television advert these days. Instead you can reach a 1000 potential customers with a couple of dollars. It’s not unheard of to get clicks on adverts for a couple of cents!

Your budget is also flexible — you only have to spend the amount you can afford. If that’s only $10 a day you can start there.

5. You can create the results you want.

Whether you want to build your brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, grow your email list or sell your product there is a way to do it with Facebook advertising. The depth of Facebook’s data means any results are possible, with the right strategy.

I hope this post provides some clarity on the impact Facebook advertising could have for your business. Signup for my mailing list if you want more Facebook tips and tricks in your inbox



Kate Norquay

Founder of Norquay Marketing. We help small businesses make money with Facebook advertising. I’m a proud New Zealander, obsessed with the internet and coffee